Where is your focus?
This artwork was created with full attention and inspiration. The artist wants us to really reflect on how the modern world is affecting us in our daily lives. We rarely sit down to meditate, to create, to watch the birds fly in the sky or reflect on our own thoughts. Every day we spend hours looking into a small device that has now taken over our lives. The smart phone. And of course the TV. Monkii watches the world and its people dive deeper and deeper into the world of electronics and antisocial lifestyles. Have you seen the people when they sit at the train station? All of them with their necks bent, as if to bow to this glowing thing that is now their master. Hours and hours go by looking at videos and photos of other people living their lives. All while their own lives have almost stopped because of it. Where is your focus? What if the time spent on the phone could be spent in the forest with the magical nature that we have around us? What if we spent it with the friends we love? To make new friends, to be more inspired and feel more deeply the joy in this world.
The artist wants you to reflect, and choose to be the sole leader of your focus.
45x55 cm + black L-frame
Acrylic paint on canvas